wTimePunch (Timesheet)

by Florian Rauscha


not available

ALL NEW UI & FEATURES!!!You can check out your work time.You can estimate the total work time and payment.
[Features] -Summary; enable to see total work time, estimated pay -List; enable to see daily work info of a month -Calendar; enable to see daily work for a specific date by calendar
[Settings] -enable to set multiple categories -enable to set work type(regular/irregular) -enable to set calculate-unit for payment(1min-60min) -enable to set payment type(monthly, hourly, daily, or combinations) -enable to set payment period(monthly, weekly, biweekly, half of a month, daily) -enable to set over-time payment -enable to set night-time payment -enable to set holiday payment
[Daily] -enable to multiple data per a day -enable to set holiday/day-off/late flag -enable to set start time, end time, break time, adjust time(over-time) -enable to set extra cost -enable to set memo(also to manage history max up to 100 items)
[And] -enable to import from csv(*) -enable to export/mail by csv(*) -enable to make daily patterns -enable to set time format(12h/24h) -and more